Sunday, May 16, 2010

Butte, Montana to Spokane, Washington

HOME....oooh so sweet.

We're looking out from our crow's nest on the 48th parallel with a backward view of the USA. There are so many memories of adventure and fond thoughts of super people circulating and distilling in each of us. The trip has become part of our beings. We are grateful for safe passage.

Final Odometer: 10141
States: Montana, Idaho, Washington  Total: 28
Countries: 2


  1. We are so glad you are home safely, but we are really going to miss reading about your adventures. Thank you for the lovely storytelling. This was such a treat! 10k.....amazing!

  2. Must feel good to be home! will miss your blogs though- thank you for sharing your days with us!


  3. Glad you are home safely, but my mornings are not the same without the blog! Thanks for taking me on the trip with you.
